Saturday, May 28, 2011

Have You Ever Seen "GOOGLE'S OFFICE".


A Brief Intro:

Google begins in 1996, Stanford University graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin built a search engine called “BackRub” that used links to determine the importance of individual web pages.
By 1998 they had formalized their work, creating the company you know today as Google.

Since then, Google has grown by leaps and bounds. From offering search in a single language we now offer dozens of products and services—including various forms of advertising and web applications for all kinds of tasks—in scores of languages. And starting from two computer science students in a university dorm room, we now have thousands of employees and offices around the world.

On these pages, you can find various pics and  company culture. A lot has changed since the first Google search engine appeared. But some things haven’t changed:

"There dedication to there users and there belief in the possibilities of the Internet itself".










Thursday, December 16, 2010

For My Parents whom i love very much....

You are always going to be my best friends
You are my shining star
You complete my life
You make me who I am today
You are gentle yet so strong
You give guidance when I ask

I love your advice
I love our talks
I love our each and every memories
I love how it seems you can do anything
I love your support and comfort
I love more than anything

Thank you for being there
Thank you for helping me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for the many ways you show you care
Thank you for always making me feel like I belong.
Thank you for being you

I hope this Christmas, everything is white and merry
I hope this year, many great  memories are made
I hope every one of your dreams comes true for you
I hope I make you as proud as you make me
I hope you know how much I love you

You make me feel safe
You show me fun things in this world
You are the best father I know
You make life much better
You deserve to celebrate the terrific father you are
You are doing a wonderful job

I love the ways you have helped me
I love the way I'm sheltered by your care
I love that you will always be a true friend
I love the way you protect me
I love when I need you, words don’t matter, as long as you’re there
I love my daddy with all my heart

Thank you, for without you, I wouldn’t be me
Thank you for filling my heart with love
Thank you for being an inspiration
Thank you for everything, I know I don’t tell you how import you are enough
Thank you for being the dad I need
Thank you for being you daddy

I hope you know, I’m daddy’s son, always
I hope you know, I’m so happy you’re my dad
I hope you have a great Christmas with everything you love
I hope this year, is full of happiness for you
I hope someday I can be like youI hope you know I love you
I hope you see yourself how I see you

Mommy and Daddy
You both catch me if I fall
You both did so many things, I will never forget
You both, I love with never fading love
You both made me who I am
You both, without you both, I would be lost with an empty space
You both showed me the way
You both have my love forever and more
You both where adored from the start
                                                                                                                             Your Son                                                                                                                      

Monday, December 13, 2010

Microsoft Surface Overview

Surface 1.0 SP1
Microsoft Surface is the first commercially available surface computing platform from Microsoft Corporation. It turns an ordinary tabletop into a vibrant, interactive surface. The product provides effortless interaction with digital content through natural gestures, touch and physical objects. In essence, it’s a surface that comes to life for exploring, learning, sharing, creating, buying and much more. In restaurants, hotels, retail and public entertainment venues, this experience will transform the way people shop, dine, entertain and live.
Microsoft Surface is a 30-inch display in a table-like form factor that’s easy for individuals or small groups to interact with in a way that feels familiar, just like in the real world. Microsoft Surface can simultaneously recognize dozens and dozens of movements such as touch and gestures and can recognize unique objects that have identification tags (similar to bar codes).
Microsoft also provides a portfolio of basic Microsoft Surface applications, including Concierge, Photos, and Music. You can customize these applications to provide customers with unique experiences.
Surface computing breaks down traditional barriers between people and technology, changing the way people interact with all kinds of everyday content, from photos to maps to menus. The intuitive user interface works without a traditional mouse or keyboard, allowing people to interact with content and information by using their hands and natural movements. Users are able to access information either on their own or collaboratively with their friends and families, unlike any experience available today. Surface computing features four key attributes:
  • Direct interaction: Users can actually "grab" digital information with their hands and interact with content through touch and gesture, without the use of a mouse or keyboard.
  • Multitouch contact: Surface computing recognizes many points of contact simultaneously, not just from one finger as with a typical touch screen, but up to dozens of items at once.
  • Multiuser experience: The horizontal form factor makes it easy for several people to gather around surface computers together, providing a collaborative, face-to-face computing experience.
  • Object recognition: Users can place physical objects on the surface to trigger different types of digital responses.
All it takes is a simple touch.

What's more, Microsoft Surface responds to multiple touches at one time (multitouch).
All of this functionality enables a new range of social, multiuser applications.

With Microsoft Surface, you can develop applications that:
  • Respond to touch and gestures.
  • Respond to multiple touches so that several people can work and play at the same time.
  • Respond to object blobs. For example, users can use a paintbrush in a drawing application.
  • Recognize objects and initiate an action based on tags (tagged objects). For example, users can use a domino-like tag (with small white circles on a black background) on an object start an action, draw a shape, and so on.
  • Have 360-degree user interfaces. For example, four people can sit around the Microsoft Surface unit and have the content appear correctly for everybody.


By combining two services, Google has now made it possible to pick points on the globe, look at them from outer space, and then zoom all the way in for a street-level view.
Google has done this by pulling its Street View out of browsers and integrating it with Google Earth. The combination will be available with the new version 6 of Google Earth, reported the company in its blog.
Until now, Earth’s global perspective allowed people to view continents and countries with satellite imagery, while Street View allows detailed views of cities, streets and residential areas. The images for View were obtained by cars that travelled around the world with special round-view cameras mounted on top.
Unlike Street View, which can be accessed via a browser, Google Earth has to be installed as a separate programme. But now, once that’s done, people can head from a virtual outer space view all the way down to the front door of a house. Google says the transition will be seamless.
Of course, Street View isn’t available for every house on Earth.
For cities that haven’t been catalogued yet, the new Google Earth can only zoom in to an aerial city view.
The new Google Earth also includes historical maps - a bombed-out post-war London, for example. Additionally, it has integrated 3D models of trees, meaning people touring virtual cities can also check out the foliage and take a walk around it.
Google says it has “dozens” of kinds of trees it can recreate digitally and that more than 80 million of them have already been added to Google Earth. Images from Street View are used to help decide where to put the trees and what kind of trees to install.
The new version of Earth is available for PCs using at least the XP system. Mac users need to have at least the Leopard 10.5.0 operating system installed. It is also available in Linux. The standard version of Earth remains free.
Google has been trying for years to create an ever more detailed image of the world, digitalizing the Earth with a combination of satellite images, pictures, geodata, user entries, webcams, municipal documents and more.
But this collection of data for its own ends has put Google in the cross hairs of data privacy experts. The company earns most of its money from online advertising.